Streamlining clinical trials for patients and clinicians through digital

Written by:

Cristina Duran

Chief Digital Health Officer R&D, AstraZeneca

Magnus Jörnten-Karlsson

Unify Product Director, AstraZeneca

Liz Nevin

Head of IT, Digital Health & PMB, R&D IT, AstraZeneca

Think about the last time you went to the doctor’s office. Did you have to take time off work? Drive a long distance? Rearrange childcare?

这可能是你一年要处理好几次的不方便的经历, but for patients who participate in clinical research, this is a regular consideration. On top of managing their daily lives and potentially feeling unwell, 参加试验的患者需要经常前往试验地点接受治疗和测试,这增加了他们的负担. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐想更好地了解澳门第一赌城在线娱乐如何能够改变患者的临床试验体验,并重新设想以患者为中心的方法.

Diagnosing the challenges with clinical trials

Clinical trials are necessary to drive innovation forward, yet only 3-5% of eligible patients choose to ever join a clinical trial. We spoke with hundreds of patients, 护理人员和医疗专业人员了解他们的障碍,以便澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够努力克服它们. 一个明确的主题是,患者更愿意在家中接受非紧急护理. Similarly, 忙碌的医疗保健专业人员更愿意把时间花在诊所,专注于最需要的病人.

“数字技术的爆炸式增长为满足患者的需求创造了新的途径,并改变了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐开发药物的方式,” said Cristina Duran, Chief Digital Health Officer R&D, AstraZeneca. “At AstraZeneca, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐审查了近100项协议和澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在所有治疗领域收集的数据,发现70%的数据可以在患者家中使用临床验证的设备收集, 照亮了一个巨大的机会领域,让澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在开展研究项目的方式上更加以患者为中心.”

Co-creating a solution with patients and medical professionals

在回顾了数千名患者的评论和数百种数字解决方案及其对临床试验的适用性之后, we developed Unify, 患者应用程序和临床试验支持工具,旨在提供最佳体验. Unify is our first transformative digital solution for clinical trials, virtually connecting all study participants. Unify是与患者和HCPs共同开发的,旨在创造最佳的参与者体验, during and after a trial by:

  • Engaging participants and caregivers, 承认他们在帮助推动医学进步和使他们能够远程参与方面的个人价值 throughout the study cycle
  • 提供远程收集患者数据的新范例,并结合其他有助于改善患者护理和减轻参与者负担的数字方法
  • 提高数据的科学价值,实现新的端点,减少
    the time and size of a trial required to study a specific concept

“As the name implies, Unify brings together a range of apps, 将网站和设备整合为一个易于使用的单一工具,使数据收集成为可能, 简化试验地点的体验,并在试验期间和之后支持患者,” said Magnus Jörnten-Karlsson, Executive Product Director, Digital Health R&D, AstraZeneca. “Unify旨在提高患者/医生关系的有效性,以实现最佳的临床试验体验.”

为了真正满足患者和医生的需求,Unify生成了高质量的实时数据. 这些数据可以使医生在必要时定制治疗方案,并在现实世界和临床试验环境中维持护理,从而提供最佳的医疗保健和改善患者的治疗结果.

Operating at scale

Unify于2020年12月正式启动,并已在澳门在线赌城娱乐大规模运营, in more than 28 countries and available in 42 languages. In clinical trials using Unify, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐看到了令人鼓舞的早期趋势,表明应用程序的使用可能与更低的辍学率和更高的患者对问卷的依从性有关. 随着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐继续收集更多数据,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将监测和验证这些趋势. Unify provides relevant information for both patients and site teams, helping to reduce study related questions and enhance the study experience. The patient app already incorporates a suite of features, such as telehealth, direct to patient supply, medication reminders, remote data collection and connected devices, with more being added in response to patient and clinician feedback.

“澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在澳门在线赌城娱乐的混合技术平台方法使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够在找到满足患者和供应商需求的解决方案后进行扩展, implementing the best technology has to offer.  澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在一个叫做BOOST的平台上构建了Unify,这个平台允许澳门第一赌城在线娱乐创建可重用的资产, 这意味着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以继续快速提供新的数字体验,并支持Unify扩展的服务产品和公司内部的增长,” said Liz Nevin, Head of IT - Digital Health R&D, Precision Medicine & BioSamples, AstraZeneca

The future of hybrid research

COVID-19大流行提高了患者将技术作为其护理一部分的意愿. Though these changes were catalysed by necessity during the pandemic, many of these behaviour changes and preferences will remain. To meet the needs of patients, we must continue to deliver frictionless trial experiences that fit seamlessly into their lives.

“Unify是数字医疗对患者影响的典范, physicians and the entire healthcare system. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐相信像Unify这样的工具不仅会改善患者的体验和结果, but also accelerate research, improve sustainability and reach more diverse patient populations,” said Duran. “澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是,至少90%的新试验都要经过数字化战略审查,以继续为患者大规模带来这场医疗革命.”


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Veeva ID: Z4-49501

Date of preparation: October 2022